Diablo 2 deadly strike
Diablo 2 deadly strike

diablo 2 deadly strike

Physical resistance does apply to Crushing Blow damage, but only if the resistance is positive.It is possible to get up to 100% chance for Crushing Blow.Your chances from individual items are added together to get the total chance. There is only one chance to get a crushing blow on each swing.For example, if a monster has 4 times the health due to players in a game, a melee attack will remove 1/16 of the health from a normal monster. The value that monster health is multiplied by is applied as a divisor for the crushing blow. Many players find that Crushing blows are one of the fastest ways to kill act bosses and Uber bosses.Ĭrushing blows are less effective with more players in a game. However, it is not limited to a maximum of 50% health reduction in hell like static field is. This effect is similar to that of Static Field in that it is most effective when the target is at high life, and becomes less and less useful as the target's health decreases. However, it follows different rules versus different targets according to this table: The basic effect of a Crushing Blow is to reduce the current remaining Life of the target by 1/4 for melee, and 1/8 for ranged. This health reduction occurs before the damage of the swing is dealt. If it is chosen to happen, the attack's target has its heath reduced by a measured percentage. The game will roll for the chance for the mechanic to occur on every eligible melee or ranged attack.

diablo 2 deadly strike

The info I gave is good.Crushing Blow is a Diablo II combat mechanic that appears as a Chance on Hit mod on several Unique, Set or Rune Word items. I like the way you follow me and try to confuse people with false info just to contradict me on anything. Once more you accuse me of your own stupidity With Windforce, gores are not that bad, can compete with WT, you can make the exact numbers (and if you like to kill bosses, the CB, even nerfed in range attack, helps). Plus, multishot is the best bowa skill by far, and for multishot you need the IAS from your helm, losing a breakpoint is a huge damage loss, so guillaume is out of the question. You should have 68% anyway from CS and HL is not a bad choice since you want the IAS, that means ~78% chance already, if your helmet and WT give you more than 4565 average damage, you are going to do more damage than with 90% chance of critical with 4277 average damage. This is just bullshit, as usual your lack of knowledge is amazing.Ī critical doest not mean you make 7716 damage, means you can do anything between 8 damage, 90% chance of critical is makes your avg damage *1,9 in this scenario 4277*1.9 = 8126 damage

Diablo 2 deadly strike